The Chief-in-Command supervises the whole of Starfleet, coordinating the activities of its many departments, and serves as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Should the Office of Research and Exploration elect to send a starship to investigate a wormhole, for example, the Chief-in-Command coordinates with Fleet Operations to see that the order is communicated to the appropriate vessel. Should the Office of Strategic Operations identify a need for additional starships, the Chief-in-Command coordinates the request with Fleet Operations and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. The C-in-C’s office makes sure all departments are up to date on the disposition of the fleet.
The C-n-C also functions as a special advisor to the Federation President and serves in the President’s cabinet. In many respects, the C-n-C is the liaison between the President and the rest of Starfleet. Although the President occasionally attends the regular meetings of the Joint Chiefs, the Chief-in-Command is often the only Starfleet officer with whom the President regularly interacts. Therefore the C-n-C's most important duty is to keep the President informed of Starfleet's activities and to make him aware of any special situations requiring an executive decision. Although only the Chief-inCommand regularly meets with the President, it would be an extreme breach of protocol for the President to refuse any other member of the Joint Chiefs who requests a meeting.
Chief in Command: Ramius Easterwood
Chief of Civilian Affairs: Position Open
Chief of Personnel Management: Position Open
Chief of Starfleet Accountability: Position Open
Chief of Special Operations: Position Open
Chancellor, Starfleet Academy: Position Open