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LCARS Retrievals: 15752
The United Federation of Planets: Galaxy Command (UFPGC) is a testament to the shared vision of its members. Bound together by the tenets of the Articles of the Federation, these members have become the foremost explorers in the galaxy.
In the decades since its establishment, the UFPGC has taken on an almost mythical status among its members. Starfleet officers and vessels, diplomats and diplomatic missions, researchers and scientists have all played crucial roles in shaping the organization's history. In many cases, their actions and exploits have become the stuff of legend. The legacy of the UFPGC is one of hope, universal acceptance, freedom, and vigilance.
Committed to upholding this legacy, the UFPGC represents something greater than the sum of its parts. Its very existence serves as a symbol of an association founded on unprecedented cooperation and optimism. The UFPGC's continued growth and prosperity serve as a reminder to the entire galactic community that freedom and sovereignty need not be mutually exclusive.
Welcome to an exciting adventure! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to command a Galaxy-class starship, or lead away teams to remote and mysterious worlds? Then you fall into one of two categories - either you're a Star Trek fan who's curious about who we are or looking for a more in-depth organization. Either way, by using the information found on this website, you'll be able to experience these things and more in your favorite universe in new and exciting ways.
Live long and prosper.