We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the maintenance of the United Federation of Planets: Galaxy Command and its associated websites. Your generous contributions have been instrumental in keeping these sites operational, including the Metaverse, Bulletin Board System (BBS), and other Star Trek and The Final Frontier websites that I have created. Your support has made all the difference, and we deeply appreciate your dedication and commitment to the future of the United Federation of Planets: Galaxy Command. Thank you once again for your generosity and support.
Michael Angelo III
JavaScript's and Graphic Designs
Johnathon "Gumby" Simmons
Graphic Designs
Diana Hickman
Graphic Designs, Proofreading, Documents and Second Life Builds
Robert Sandlin
LSL Scripts, Graphic Designs, Second Life and OpenSimulator Builds
Sailor Vasiliev
Second Life and OpenSimulator Builds and LSL Scripts
Jessica Starlight
Proofreading, Documents, LSL Scripts, Graphic Designs, Second Life and OpenSimulator Builds
Rachael Schwartz
Proofreading, Documents, LSL Scripts, Graphic Designs, Second Life and OpenSimulator Builds
Dino Gravato
PHP and MySQL that we used in the past for the general membership and its configuration
Steven Marriott
Ranks set graphics we have used in the past
Bulletin Board System (MBBS v10) assistance
Bulletin Board System (MBBS v10) assistance
Some of the ranks used on this site were created by Kuro-chan of Kuro-RPG.
The Star Trek Design Project
The Most Accurate & Complete Star Trek Symbol Database Visit.