Varying levels of access help secure and control information within any government, military, or espionage organization-and the Federation, Starfleet, and Starfleet Intelligence are no exceptions. Starfleet is generally very open with its data, allowing both officers and enlisted officers free access to the majority of its enormous library database. Starfleet still recognizes that certain kinds of information must be kept secret to protect Federation security. Data on weapon and shield frequencies, Starfleet's tactical and strategic procedures and plans, and technology development programs must often be kept 'under wraps- to ensure the enemy does not gain access to it-and thus obtain an advantage over the Federation.

Shipboard Security Levels

Access to certain areas and equipment aboard a Starship is restricted to certain authorized personnel. To facilitate this security concern, numerical levels are assigned to crew or visitors as necessary.

Level 10 • Captain and Above
Level  9 • Commander and Above
Level  8 • Commander and Above
Level  7 • Lieutenant Commander and Above
Level  6 • Lieutenant and Above
Level  5 • Lieutenant Junior Grade and Above
Level  4 • Ensign and Above
Level  3 • Non-Commissioned Crew
Level  2 • Civilian Personnel
Level  1 • Open Access (Read Only)

Note: Security Levels beyond current rank can and are bestowed where, when and to whom they are necessary.

The main computer grants access based on a battery of checks to the individual user, including face and voice recognition in conjunction with a vocal code as an added level of security.

Primary Clearances

Starfleet and Starfleet Intelligence use four primary levels of security classification, detailed in the following sections:

Open Access (OA)

Information at this security level isn't secure at all; it's freely available to anyone who can use an LCARS terminal or similar data retrieval system. By some estimates, as much as 98% of Starfleet's information fits this category. Examples include most economic and scientific data, routine reports prepared by Federation agencies and offices, and recordings of most Federation Council proceedings. OA information is not always as innocent as it seems. A clever intelligence agent or data analyst can piece together random bits of OA data to uncover leads on Federation secrets. For example, scientific reports may contain hints on recent Starship locations, which might reveal a clue regarding their mission objectives or Starfleet's deployment strategy in a region.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: All personnel, Civilian or otherwise


Secret information would cause harm to Starfleet or the Federation if released to unauthorized persons. Examples include most information relating to fleet, Starship strengths, war games results, and precise weapons characteristics.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Lieutenant Junior Grade and above

Top Secret

Top Secret information would cause significant harm to Starfleet or the Federation if released to unapproved personnel. If obtained by a Threat species, it could compromise Federation security. Key scientific data relating to military research and development projects (such as Starship propulsion and weapons systems) and Starfleet's overall strategic plans for defending the Federation are all consideredTop Secret.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Lieutenant and above

Ultra Secret ("Omega")

Ultra Secret information, also called omega-class information, could cause extreme harm to Starfleet or the Federation if released. If obtained by a Threat species, it could significantly compromise Federation security or Starfleet's ability to defend itself. In some cases, the mere revelation of Ultra Secret information can be enough to spark war or ruin relations between the Federation and other governments. Examples include details of the most sensitive espionage operations conducted by Starfleet Intelligence, keys to Starfleet codes and ciphers, and critical scientific and technological data.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Commander and above

Secondary Clearances

Several secondary classifications further restrict, limit, or guide the dissemination of Federation data files: (These generally appear as suffixes to the Clearance Level. For instance, a document could be labeled OMEGA-SSI or SECRET-CWD)

Federation Council Only (FCO)

Information with this designation, which is usually Secret or Top Secret, is authorized for limited release to members of the Federation Council. Councilors are, of course, aware that they are not to distribute or disseminate this information in any way, not even to their closest staff members.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Admiral's and Councilors Only

Critical Weapons Data (CWD)

Usually applied to Top Secret or Ultra Secret information, CWD indicates the data relates to the characteristics, limitations, and advancement of Starfleet's weapons. Since such data is vitally important to Starfleet's ability to defend the Federation, it receives this extra classification and a more intense level of scrutiny. Communications Security Information (CSI) is a similar designation which applies to data on Starfleet's communications capabilities and crypto logical resources.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Lieutenant Commander and above

Critical Weapons Data (CWD)

Usually applied to Top Secret or Ultra Secret information, CWD indicates the data relates to the characteristics, limitations, and advancement of Starfleet's weapons. Since such data is vitally important to Starfleet's ability to defend the Federation, it receives this extra classification and a more intense level of scrutiny. Communications Security Information (CSI) is a similar designation which applies to data on Starfleet's communications capabilities and crypto logical resources.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Lieutenant Commander and above

Communications Security Information (CSI)

Usually applied to Top Secret or Ultra Secret information, CSI indicates the data relates to the Communications Intelligence, Crypto logical Intelligence, Sensors Intelligence, or Signals Intelligence of a sensitive nature which may reveal its sources.. Since such data is vitally important to Starfleet's ability to defend the Federation, it receives this extra classification and a more intense level of scrutiny.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Lieutenant Commander and above

Sensitive Source Information (SSI)

Sometimes intelligence reports and similar data must, by their nature, reveal their sensitive sources. Revealing contact and informant names might expose them to the enemy. Likewise, information that reveals the capabilities of Starfleet's sensors and analytical technology could provide invaluable data to a Threat species. This classification indicates that the file in question reveals facts about its sources and must be treated with the greatest caution.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Captain and above

Unlike most military forces throughout history, Star Fleet pays quite well, considering that personnel receive food, shelter, clothing and medical care free of charge. Star Fleet, of course, is an elite force of explorers and scientists, and its members are paid accordingly.

Officer Pay Scale
Admiral (Fleet) 10000
Admiral (Senior)  8000
Admiral (Sector)  7000
Admiral (Branch)  6500
Commodore  5000
Fleet Captain  4750
Captain  4000
Commander  3500
Lieutenant Commander  3000
Lieutenant (Senior Grade)  2500
Lieutenant (Junior Grade)  2200
Ensign (Senior Grade)  1750
Lieutenant (Junior Grade)  1500
Midshipman • 500
Cadet (4th Class)  1 • 400
Cadet (3rd Class)  1 • 300
Cadet (2nd Class)  1 • 200
Cadet (1st Class)  1 • 100

Sometimes intelligence reports and similar data must, by their nature, reveal their sensitive sources. Revealing contact and informant names might expose them to the enemy. Likewise, information that reveals the capabilities of Starfleet's sensors and analytical technology could provide invaluable data to a Threat species. This classification indicates that the file in question reveals facts about its sources and must be treated with the greatest caution.

Rank routinely receiving access to this clearance level: Captain and above

==Pay Scales== ===Star Fleet Officer Pay Scale=== {| class="wikitable" style="width:50%" ! colspan="3" | Star Fleet Officer Pay Scale |- | '''Rank''' || '''Pay Per Month ([[Federation Credit]])''' |- | Admiral (Fleet)|| 5500 |- | Admiral (Senior)|| 4800 |- | Admiral (Sector)|| 4100 |- | Admiral (Branch) || 3500 |- | Commodore || 3000 |- | Fleet Captain || 3000 |- | Captain || 2500 |- | Commander || 2100 |- | Lieutenant Commander || 1800 |- | Lieutenant || 1500 |- | Lieutenant, Junior Grade || 1250 |- | Ensign || 1000 |- | Midshipman/Cadet || 500 |- |} ===Star Fleet Enlisted Pay Scale=== {| class="wikitable" style="width:50%" ! colspan="3" | Star Fleet Enlisted Pay Scale |- | '''Rank''' || '''Pay Per Month (Federation Credit)''' |- | Master Chief Petty Officer of Star Fleet || 3000 |- | Command Master Chief Petty Officer || 2500 |- | Master Chief Petty Officer || 2250 |- | Senior Chief Petty Officer || 2000 |- | Chief Petty Officer || 1750 |- | Petty Officer 1st Class || 1500 |- | Petty Officer 2nd Class || 1300 |- | Petty Officer 3rd Class || 1000 |- | Crewman || 700 |- | Crewman Apprentice || 500 |- | Crewman Recruit || 400 |- | Recruit || 400 |- |} ==Bonuses== ===Command Bonus:=== Division Head: +30% to pay grade. Fleet Commander: +25% to pay grade. Commanding Officer: +20% to pay grade. First Officer: +15% to pay grade. Department Head: +10% to pay grade. ===Hazardous Duty Pay:=== +20% to all pay grades. Paid to all serving in active battle groups during wartime. Also paid to those serving on border outposts and all facilities in Delta or Gamma Quadrants. ===Retirement Pay:=== 50% of pay grade upon retirement for ranks of Commander/Master Chief Petty Officer or above, or lower ranks with more than ten years of service. 25% of pay grade upon retirement for ranks below Commander/Master Chief Petty Officer with less than ten years of service. ''Credit: This pay scale is based on the chart found in Appendix A of the "Trader Captains and Mechant Princes" expansion to the FASA Star Trek Roleplaying Game'' [[Category: Academy]]